Resources for Query Letters

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The publishing industry is a hard, hard place. Rejection is a daily occurrence for most aspiring authors, and it can be discouraging to pour your heart and soul into a manuscript, only to have it cast aside as if it’s nothing. One way to decrease your chances of rejection is to have an amazing query letter. (Note: if you’ve just asked yourself what a query letter is, you’re doing it wrong.)

So how DO you write an amazing query letter?

I am not an expert on query letters, nor am I an agent. But what I have to offer you today is a list of some of the best resources that I’ve found in my work research and personal experience. There are many, many more out there, but these will give you a good place to jump in. Leave a comment if you’ve run across a great query letter resource too!

I hope this helps, and I hope you achieve all your writing goals and hopes and dreams in 2014. Cheers!

Will Literary Agents Really Read Your Query Letter?
15 Resources for a Better Query Letter
Query Letter Template
This entire website


2 thoughts on “Resources for Query Letters

  1. Pingback: Always thinking about that story and other writing randoms. | storywrtr

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